Methodological and theoretical wishes for the next decade of psychosocial safety climate research.

Dr. Mohd Awang B. Idris
Associate Professor University of Malaya

Since the introduction of psychosocial safety climate (PSC, Dollard & Bakker, 2010) in the last decade, a plethora of research has been conducted, mainly in Australia and Malaysia. Only recently, some research was studied in other countries. While the broad range of research seems promising, PSC research mainly tested akey premise – PSC is an organizational climate reflecting the ‘shared employees’ perception regarding psychosocial hazards’, the precursor of working conditions. In line with this, the majority of research so far relies on a multilevel approach, integrates it with the Job Demands Resources model. However, PSC is more than an organizational climate. It forms a part of motivational needs and consists of dynamic reciprocal leadership practices. Therefore, we expect future research to go beyond the current art of knowledge. Other theories and research aspects, for example, those in related to motivational needs, social exchange theory and dyadic relationships should be explored with insightful methodological approaches. In addition, since cultural differences also play a role in how human beings interact and interpret their environment, PSC also needs to be investigated from different cultural lenses.

Mohd Awang Idris, Associate Professor in Work and Organisational Psychology, Department Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya. He is Past President of the Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work (APAPFAW Currently he is Chair, Training and Development for APAPFAW. His research interests mainly in occupational health psychology including psychosocial safety, employees’ wellbeing and team performance. He publishes more than 50 publications (in books, chapters and journals), and also a reviewer for some well-known journals such as Safety Science, Work & Stress, Journal Occupational and Organizational Psychology, International Journal of Stress Management, Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal; and Journal Occupational Health Psychology. He won the Tony Winefield Thesis Prize award for the best PhD thesis in psychology for 2010-2011 from the University of South Australia, Adelaide.