Keynote Speech
The future of (decent) work and psychosocial risks. The ILO perspective
Ms. Ana Catalina Ramírez
The compatibility of worker’s well-being and firm’s value in Japan
Prof. Isamu Yamamoto
Incorporating Time in Job Stress Models, Concepts, Measures, Measurement Occasions, and Statistical Analyses
Prof. Christian Dormann
Work & suicide: Evolving understandings of aetiology & intervention
Prof. Anthony D. LaMontagne
Methodological and theoretical wishes for the next decade of psychosocial safety climate research.
Dr. Mohd Awang B. Idris
Symposia are invited sessions organized by the conference scientific committee.
Please see the themes of the symposia. Join the session you are interested in when you participate in the conference.
Symposia themes to be presented by the invited speakers
- Impact of COVID-19 in the workplace (essential and low-income workers, social inequality, vulnerable groups)
- Burden of disease and costs of psychosocial risks in the workplace (potential and limits of an economic/monetary perspective on psychosocial risks at work)
- Work engagement, flow and mental health in the workplace
- Working times and work-life balance in different countries and cultural contexts
- Democracy at work, employee voice and whistleblowing (psychosocial factors for speaking up vs. for individual and organisational silence, regulatory and cultural aspects).
- Psychosocial Safety Climate (PSC) in different country and cultural contexts (regulatory framework, risk awareness and risk perception)
- Tackling psychosocial risks at work: advocacy activities of NGOs
- Digital mental health interventions at workplace: challenges and future directions
- Digitalization of working life
- Active aging in the context of work: the role of psychosocial work quality
- Return to work (cancer and chronic disease) psychosocial aspects, rehabilitation, compensation, prevention
- New Longitudinal Insights into Work Stress and Well-Being Processes
- Decent work as an innovative framework for a psychologically healthy and safe working life. Transformative OSH research and policies in times of multiple crises
Special Session
Special Sessions are organized based on the proposals from people who want to coordinate a symposium.
Special Session topics are open, but should be consistent with the overall theme of this conference, ”Imagine! Decent Work Beyond COVID-19”. Please also refer to the symposia themes.
The science committee will review your proposal. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the organizer’s (=chair’s) email address in mid-May 2023.
After you receive the acceptance notice, special session chairs and each speaker will be asked to submit the abstract of the special session.
Date and time of the special session will be determined by the scientific committee.
Global Roundtable: National Policy Approaches for Work-related mental Health 2023
This roundtable will open up an international dialogue on policy approaches to encourage knowledge transference between countries, with a strong focus on the Asia Pacific region. It will encompass an innovative format including presentations, discussions, networking and inform research and an international commitment to psychological healthy workplaces. For more information contact Dr Rachael Potter ( or Dipl.-Soz. Michael Ertel ( To register your attendance please click on the following link.
Roundtable: National databases: How are they collected, analyzed, and disseminated
This session aims to share information on how the national data regarding the well being of workers and psychosocial factors at work are collected, analyzed, and utilized in different countries and how the findings are disseminated and delivered to policymakers , organizations, and citizens Dr. Jari Hakanen from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health will share knowledge of a recently launched survey in Finland regarding working conditions and empl oyee well being and workability among the general working population. Dr Naomi Swanson from the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) will provide information on the NIOSH Quality of Worklife Survey (QWL), a national survey in th e United States devoted to tracking work organization factors and their impact on worker health and safety. Dr. Tomohiro Ishimaru from the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan will deliver information on The Collaborative Online Resea rch on the Novel coronavirus and Work (CORoNaWork) Project, a pioneering national level epidemiological survey dedicated to examining occupational practices and health during the COVID 19 pandemic.
Prior to the main programs, two workshops will be held on September 19 (Tuesday) 14:45-16:00. Both workshops are practical and useful for your research.
The Psychosocial Safety Climate Global Project Workshop
Luncheon Session
There will be five luncheon sessions during the conference. They are diverse and thought-provoking, including not only research-based academic content, but also initiatives in the corporate arena. Lunch boxes will be provided at each session for free (please note lunch boxes do not meet dietary restrictions.)
Numbered tickets will be issued at the registration desk for the luncheon sessions on the day of the event.
L1. How to respond to stress? Mindfulness perspective
L3. Why does culture matter? (in Japanese)
L5. Assessment and Transformation of Behavior Using Information Science