Oral presentation schedule
Oral presentation schedule
(sorted by the submission number)
Oral presentation schedule
(sorted by the date of presentation)
Poster presentation schedule
Poster presentation schedule
(sorted by the submission number)
Poster presentation schedule
(sorted by the date of presentation)
Oral presenration chair and co-chair
September 20 (Wed)
O1: COVID-19 and the workplace
10:15- 11:30 | Middle-size meeting room 3
Chair: Marie-Agnès Denis, Co-chair: Akiomi Inoue
O2: Diversity (e.g. gender, ethnicity, age)
10:15- 11:30 | Middle-size meeting room 4
Chair: Guilherme Werneck, Co-chair: Yasumasa Ohtsuka
O3: Sleep, fatigue, burnout and recovery
15:30- 16:45 | Middle-size meeting room 2
Chair: Junming Dai, Co-chair: Akinori Nakata
O4: Frontline employees (in the COVID-19 pandemic)
15:30- 16:45 | Middle-size meeting room 3
Chair: Denise Minnie, Co-chair: Minako Sasaki
O5: Physical activity, lifestyle and work-life balance
15:30- 16:45 | Middle-size meeting room 4
Chair: Michelle Lee, Co-chair: Keiko Sakakibara
O6: Job insecurity and precarious work
17:00- 18:15 | Middle-size meeting room 3
Chair: Akizumi Tsutsumi
O7: Worker mental health in the future of work
17:00- 18:15 | Middle-size meeting room 4
Chair: Mohd Awang B. Idris, Co-chair: Tomohide Kubo
September 21 (Thu)
O8: Incivility, violence, bullying and harassment
10:15- 11:30 | Middle-size meeting room 3
Chair: Kanami Tsuno, Co-chair: Ali Afsharian
O9: ICT, robotic and modern technologies in workplace setting
10:15- 11:30 | Middle-size meeting room 4
Chair: Lu Ming-Lun, Co-chair: Nuri Purwito Adi
O10: Psychosocial risks : assessment and management
14:00- 15:15 | Middle-size meeting room 3
Chair: Ro-Ting Lin
O11: Innovations in research methods (data collection and analysis)
14:00- 15:15 | Middle-size meeting room 4
Chair: Mohd Awang B. Idris, Co-chair: Pay Yee Shee
O12: Psychosocial risks : global and cultural perspectives
15:30- 16:45 | Middle-size meeting room 3
Chair: Guilherme Werneck, Co-chair: Tsukumi Tondokoro
O13: Government initiatives, laws, regulations, policies
15:30- 16:45 | Middle-size meeting room 4
Chair: Masaya Takahashi, Co-chair: Fuad Hamsyah
September 22 (Fri)
O14: Interventions (organizational and individual)
10:15- 11:30 | Middle-size meeting room 2
Chair: Hisashi Eguchi, Co-chair: Nuri Purwito Adi
O15: Worker well-being, positive work experience
10:15- 11:30 | Middle-size meeting room 3
Chair: Asuka Sakuraya, Co-chair: Fuad Hamsyah